Design Theme

Compact City Proposal for the Dokai Bay Area in Kitakyushu (Japan)

Contents of the competition

Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design is pleased to invite students from all the countries to take part in the AILCD 2025 International Student Design Competition on Low Carbon Cities in Asia: Compact City Proposal for the Dokai Bay Area in Kitakyushu (Japan).

The theme of this year is “Compact City Proposal for the Dokai Bay Area in Kitakyushu (Japan)”.

The competition addresses the problem of the redevelopment of the Dokai Bay Area in Kitakyushu, Japan. The competition asks the students a design proposal for a low carbon urban redevelopment project. The Dokai Bay Area should be considered as a real problematic area for the city of Kitakyushu.

Competition Site
Dokai Bay Area, Kitakyushu (Japan)

Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design(AILCD)

Compact City Proposal for the Dokai Bay Area in Kitakyushu (Japan)